Why build a cracking rig? Because it's fun! This article will explain every step in building what I call a "budget" cracking rig. I wanted to save as much money as possible while still maintaining a robust solution that can perform at a small enterprise class level. I never could have imagined the hardest part was getting Nvidia drivers to install properly on Ubuntu, but never fear, every step of the process is included below. With a budget of $5,000 you will find the parts list, assembly, installation, and expected benchmarks if you want to try your hand at building this rig. Or you can go all out and attempt to match the awesome speed of Sagitta's Brutalis.
This rig will give you horsepower but it's not going to knock your socks off. It's assembled with parts that allow future upgrades as prices on components drop and rock solid in any environment allowing you to rack the server or stand it up like a tower.
For a handy reference guide on cracking tool check out HASH CRACK v3 on Amazon now. Looking for a smaller more cost effective rig? Check out our Pentester's Portable Cracking Rig build. Also if you're needing a resource to aid in making stronger passwords for your most sensitive accounts, go take a look at the One-Time Grid: Random Password Book for random password generation, creation, and storage.
Ok let's get this out of the way. The $5000 "Budget" is tailored towards a small to medium size business and the avid cracking enthusiast crowd. I know this price is out of reach to curious hobbyist but there are still lessons to be learned from following this build. I wanted a rig with respectable performance that could cover cracking speeds of the most common hash types within one weeks time with fairly comprehensive attack plans. At the completion of a week cracking session, and following solid cracking methodology, I can feel I've given any cracking effort its proper attention with this rig. So with an estimated timeline of one week at full load/utilization I need reliability and purpose built. You're going to struggle to get that kind of multi-gpu performance from a gaming setup, and so I chose the Supermicro workstation to foot the bill. This workstation allows plenty of room, cooling, and upgradability to any future cracking plans. Also for the money, it's hard to beat the quality and included features of a Supermicro SuperWorkstation.
Lastly, let me plug Sagitta one more time. If you want rock solid/market leading performance, with world class tech support from Jeremi 'epixoip' Gosney please go <here> and pull the trigger on any of the listed quality rigs. If you are scraping pennies, and like to build your own rig for research and learning purposes, continue on reading.
1 x SuperMicro SYS-7048GR-TR 4U Server with X10DRG-Q Motherboard = $1,989.99 (NewEgg)
2 x Intel Xeon E5-2620 v3 2.4 GHz LGA 2011-3 85W = $469.98 (Ebay)
4 x Nvidia GTX 1070 Founders Edition = $1,737.14 (Jet.com)
2 x Samsung 850 Pro 512GB SATA3 SSD = $412.24 (Jet.com)
4 x Kingston Server ValueRAM DDR4 2133MHz 16GB = $391.96 (NewEgg)
TOTAL = $5001.31
**costs include shipping & handling

Looking into the cavernous chassis of the Supermicro 7048GR-TR. Plenty of room for loads of RAM, multiple hot swap drive bays, dual CPU's, and up to four double width GPU's. Also included are 6 fans with 2 additional heatsink fans for the dual CPU's.
Also you are going to need an external monitor with a VGA cable to complete the installation.

First change out the drive caddy trays to fit the SSD's from the parts list. (I didn't include these in the price because truthfully you could go with traditional hard drives if you didn't mind the load times. But they are only $11 on Amazon) Once assembled slide them into the drive bays on the front.

Next we will install the dual Intel Xeon CPU's. (I'm using Xeon E5 2620 v3's because I got a killer deal on Ebay)

Dual Xeons installed.

Next you will want to install the four 16GB sticks of RAM because it becomes more difficult once you place the heatsinks on top of the Xeon processors.

Now we have to swap out the included heatsink mounts to fit this board. Luckily, the heatsinks, the mounts, and the fans are included with the Supermicro 7048GR-TR package. Notice also that the heatsink comes with thermal paste already applied evenly.

Screw them into place snugly but not too tight. You don't want to crack the PCB.

Now we need to install the heatsink fans, which are also included in the package. Plug the fans into the ports next each CPU slot but be sure to loop the wire around the fan like shown below before plugging them in.

Now moving onto the main event! We need to remove the backplates spanning across the 4 x PCI-E 3.0 slots. Work your way across removing the plates that would obstruct the installation of the four GTX 1070 GPU cards.

Now slide in your first GPU card and check it for fit. Once the latch on the PCI-E slot locks into place secure the card with screws from removing the backplates from the chassis.

Then repeat the same for the remaining three GPU cards. Also plug in the connectors into the cards (zip tie the them into bundles once you have everything working properly). You will notice two sets of connectors are longer and thus should be used to connect the furthest GPU cards.

And assembly complete. Now plug the power cords into the two 2000w redundant power supplies. Don't be startled if the rig boots up right away.

The below installation guide took days to complete and perfect. You probably won't realize the frustrating hell I've saved you if you plan to follow these below instructions and build your own rig based on an Intel OpenCL capable CPU and Nvidia GTX 10 series cards.
I know there will be many critics on why I chose to use Ubuntu Desktop and not Ubuntu Server, but I intend to use this rig, when it's not cracking, for other uses and thus need the desktop functionality. Links to all the software are included below and I will not cover how to install Ubuntu on a bootable USB but you can read that <here>.
Again these instructions only work on Intel OpenCL capable CPU and Nvidia GTX 10 series cards.
1) Install Ubuntu
Ensure to enable in BIOS PCIe/Above 4G Decoding
Boot install Ubuntu from USB. Once complete proceed:
1) Set to not login automatically at boot
2) Ensure your rig is network cabled or WiFi connected to the internet
3) From terminal install updates:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
2) Install Intel OpenCL driver
1) From terminal install dependencies
sudo apt-get install lsb-core -y
sudo apt-get install opencl-headers -y
2) Download Intel OpenCL driver (link above) into "Downloads" directory
3) Download Nvidia Linux x86_64 375.30 Driver (link above) into "Downloads" directory
cd Downloads
tar -xvzf opencl_runtime_16.1_x64_ubuntu_5.2.0.10002.tgz
cd opencl_runtime_16.1_x64_ubuntu_5.2.0.10002/
sudo bash install.sh
Accept Terms of Agreement and install
3) Install Hashcat v3.20
1) sudo apt-get install git -y
2) cd ~/Desktop
3) git clone https://github.com/hashcat/hashcat.git
4) cd hashcat/
5) git submodule update --init --recursive
6) sudo make
7) sudo make install
8) reboot server
4) Install Nvidia Linux x86_64 375.20 Driver
1) At reboot DO NOT LOGIN
2) At login screen Ctrl + Alt + F1 and login with user/pass at command prompt
3) Create the /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf file :
cd /etc/modprobe.d/
sudo touch blacklist-nouveau.conf
sudo vi blacklist-nouveau.conf
Insert below text:
blacklist nouveau
options nouveau modeset=0
4) sudo update-initramfs -u
5) Reboot computer.
sudo reboot
6) At reboot DO NOT LOGIN
7) At login screen Ctrl + Alt + F1, and login with user/pass at command prompt
8) Go to "Downloads" directory where you have NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-375.20.run driver
chmod a+x .
9) sudo service lightdm stop
10) sudo bash NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-375.20.run --no-opengl-files
VERY important to include the "--no-opengl-files" parameter
11) During the install of Nvidia driver:
-Accept License
-Select Continue Installation
-Select “NO” to not install 32bit files
-Select “NO” to rebuilding any Xserver configurations with Nvidia.
12) sudo modprobe nvidia
13) sudo service lightdm start
14) Ctrl + Alt + F7
-Login to your session through the GUI
820watts = Peak power usage observed **fans not at 100% and no overclock
83c = Peak temperature observed during 100% load for 8hr test
~127 GH/s NTLM= Benchmark cracking speed i.e. 127 billion cracks per second
~26 GH/s SHA1 = Benchmark cracking speed i.e. 26 billion cracks per second
~31 MH/s md5crypt = Benchmark cracking speed i.e. 31 million cracks per second
10,972,800 billion = NTLM cracks a day = 4 x GTX1070
$14.91 = Est. one week power costs at full load ((820w x 24hrs x 7) / 1000 x 10.83¢ per kWh)
.000000039¢ = cost per crack $5001.31 / ~127GH/s NTLM
4 x GTX 1080 Approximate Comparison Specs if you upgraded GPU's:
165GH/s NTLM = benchmark GTX 1080 <here> ; 23% gain for $1,000 more ($700x4 = $2800)
14,256,000 billion = NTLM cracks a day

I know it's shocking! Who would have thought GPU's run hot?!? But it's very interesting to see the clear separation of cooling. Higher-end Nvidia cards like the 1080 control heat dissipation using vapor chamber cooling technology.
I have to say I'm pretty proud of this build and its future potential. There is always tradeoffs between which hardware to choose coupled with the compounding costs, but I think I've satisfied that happy middle ground. Rock solid performance and not applying for an extra line of credit to satisfy your technolust. As prices drop and new cracking techniques are developed, this rig will leave your options open to take advantage of those conditions.
I will be posting future upgrades and experiments in the very near future so please subscribe at the bottom for notifications and updates. Also you can follow me on Twitter @netmux. Lastly, if you want a handy reference manual for your next cracking adventure be sure to check out HASH CRACK. Lastly, if you are needing a resource to aid in making stronger passwords for your most sensitive accounts, go take a look at the One-Time Grid: Random Password Book for random password generation, creation, and storage.
OpenCL Platform #1: Intel(R) Corporation
* Device #1: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v3 @ 2.40GHz, skipped
OpenCL Platform #2: NVIDIA Corporation
* Device #2: GeForce GTX 1070, 2036/8145 MB allocatable, 15MCU
* Device #3: GeForce GTX 1070, 2036/8145 MB allocatable, 15MCU
* Device #4: GeForce GTX 1070, 2036/8145 MB allocatable, 15MCU
* Device #5: GeForce GTX 1070, 2036/8145 MB allocatable, 15MCU
Hashtype: MD4
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 137.9 GH/s
Hashtype: MD5
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 76526.9 MH/s
Hashtype: Half MD5
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 46527.5 MH/s
Hashtype: SHA1
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 25963.3 MH/s
Hashtype: SHA256
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 9392.1 MH/s
Hashtype: SHA384
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 3169.4 MH/s
Hashtype: SHA512
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 3235.0 MH/s
Hashtype: SHA-3(Keccak)
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 2500.4 MH/s
Hashtype: SipHash
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 86713.2 MH/s
Hashtype: RipeMD160
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 14689.1 MH/s
Hashtype: Whirlpool
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 780.4 MH/s
Hashtype: GOST R 34.11-94
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 740.2 MH/s
Hashtype: GOST R 34.11-2012 (Streebog) 256-bit
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 153.7 MH/s
Hashtype: GOST R 34.11-2012 (Streebog) 512-bit
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 153.9 MH/s
Hashtype: DES (PT = $salt, key = $pass)
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 56140.1 MH/s
Hashtype: 3DES (PT = $salt, key = $pass)
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 1737.5 MH/s
Hashtype: phpass, MD5(Wordpress), MD5(phpBB3), MD5(Joomla)
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 20491.9 kH/s
Hashtype: scrypt
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 1872.4 kH/s
Hashtype: PBKDF2-HMAC-MD5
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 22181.7 kH/s
Hashtype: PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 9692.5 kH/s
Hashtype: PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 3582.7 kH/s
Hashtype: PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 1303.1 kH/s
Hashtype: Skype
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 38566.4 MH/s
Hashtype: WPA/WPA2
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 1190.5 kH/s
Hashtype: IKE-PSK MD5
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 5276.2 MH/s
Hashtype: IKE-PSK SHA1
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 2339.9 MH/s
Hashtype: NetNTLMv1-VANILLA / NetNTLMv1+ESS
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 67492.1 MH/s
Hashtype: NetNTLMv2
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 4943.9 MH/s
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 4982.4 MH/s
Hashtype: Kerberos 5 AS-REQ Pre-Auth etype 23
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 887.1 MH/s
Hashtype: Kerberos 5 TGS-REP etype 23
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 879.8 MH/s
Hashtype: DNSSEC (NSEC3)
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 10034.7 MH/s
Hashtype: PostgreSQL Challenge-Response Authentication (MD5)
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 19820.9 MH/s
Hashtype: MySQL Challenge-Response Authentication (SHA1)
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 6877.8 MH/s
Hashtype: SIP digest authentication (MD5)
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 6100.2 MH/s
Hashtype: SMF > v1.1
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 20392.8 MH/s
Hashtype: vBulletin < v3.8.5
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 20195.7 MH/s
Hashtype: vBulletin > v3.8.5
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 14241.8 MH/s
Hashtype: IPB2+, MyBB1.2+
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 14878.4 MH/s
Hashtype: WBB3, Woltlab Burning Board 3
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 3802.6 MH/s
Hashtype: OpenCart
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 6078.5 MH/s
Hashtype: Joomla < 2.5.18
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 75182.7 MH/s
Hashtype: PHPS
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 20610.0 MH/s
Hashtype: Drupal7
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 167.2 kH/s
Hashtype: osCommerce, xt:Commerce
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 38238.3 MH/s
Hashtype: PrestaShop
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 24166.2 MH/s
Hashtype: Django (SHA-1)
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 20395.9 MH/s
Hashtype: Django (PBKDF2-SHA256)
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 178.3 kH/s
Hashtype: Mediawiki B type
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 19359.7 MH/s
Hashtype: Redmine Project Management Web App
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 6212.0 MH/s
Hashtype: PostgreSQL
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 75109.6 MH/s
Hashtype: MSSQL(2000)
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 25596.7 MH/s
Hashtype: MSSQL(2005)
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 25581.7 MH/s
Hashtype: MSSQL(2012)
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 3066.1 MH/s
Hashtype: MySQL323
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 158.2 GH/s
Hashtype: MySQL4.1/MySQL5
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 11261.0 MH/s
Hashtype: Oracle H: Type (Oracle 7+)
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 2908.6 MH/s
Hashtype: Oracle S: Type (Oracle 11+)
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 25383.8 MH/s
Hashtype: Oracle T: Type (Oracle 12+)
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 316.9 kH/s
Hashtype: Sybase ASE
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 1160.3 MH/s
Hashtype: EPiServer 6.x < v4
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 20411.9 MH/s
Hashtype: EPiServer 6.x > v4
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 8381.3 MH/s
Hashtype: md5apr1, MD5(APR), Apache MD5
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 30443.1 kH/s
Hashtype: ColdFusion 10+
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 5144.0 MH/s
Hashtype: hMailServer
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 8359.2 MH/s
Hashtype: SHA-1(Base64), nsldap, Netscape LDAP SHA
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 25531.9 MH/s
Hashtype: SSHA-1(Base64), nsldaps, Netscape LDAP SSHA
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 25530.0 MH/s
Hashtype: SSHA-512(Base64), LDAP {SSHA512}
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 3186.0 MH/s
Hashtype: LM
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 55244.2 MH/s
Hashtype: NTLM
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 123.6 GH/s
Hashtype: Domain Cached Credentials (DCC), MS Cache
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 34610.3 MH/s
Hashtype: Domain Cached Credentials 2 (DCC2), MS Cache 2
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 962.5 kH/s
Hashtype: MS-AzureSync PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 31233.0 kH/s
Hashtype: descrypt, DES(Unix), Traditional DES
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 2693.9 MH/s
Hashtype: BSDiCrypt, Extended DES
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 4644.9 kH/s
Hashtype: md5crypt, MD5(Unix), FreeBSD MD5, Cisco-IOS MD5
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 30373.0 kH/s
Hashtype: bcrypt, Blowfish(OpenBSD)
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 43551 H/s
Hashtype: sha256crypt, SHA256(Unix)
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 1119.1 kH/s
Hashtype: sha512crypt, SHA512(Unix)
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 452.4 kH/s
Hashtype: OSX v10.4, v10.5, v10.6
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 20460.9 MH/s
Hashtype: OSX v10.7
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 2807.7 MH/s
Hashtype: OSX v10.8+
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 36781 H/s
Hashtype: AIX {smd5}
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 30276.5 kH/s
Hashtype: AIX {ssha1}
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 133.5 MH/s
Hashtype: AIX {ssha256}
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 49406.4 kH/s
Hashtype: AIX {ssha512}
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 19433.0 kH/s
Hashtype: Cisco-PIX MD5
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 48626.6 MH/s
Hashtype: Cisco-ASA MD5
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 52994.5 MH/s
Hashtype: Cisco-IOS SHA256
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 9226.9 MH/s
Hashtype: Cisco $8$
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 177.9 kH/s
Hashtype: Cisco $9$
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 50522 H/s
Hashtype: Juniper Netscreen/SSG (ScreenOS)
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 36738.6 MH/s
Hashtype: Juniper IVE
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 30130.1 kH/s
Hashtype: Android PIN
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 16053.8 kH/s
Hashtype: Citrix NetScaler
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 21787.7 MH/s
Hashtype: RACF
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 7799.3 MH/s
Hashtype: GRUB 2
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 128.7 kH/s
Hashtype: Radmin2
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 25038.3 MH/s
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 6866.1 MH/s
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 3126.7 MH/s
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 17913.0 kH/s
Hashtype: Lotus Notes/Domino 5
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 645.2 MH/s
Hashtype: Lotus Notes/Domino 6
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 216.3 MH/s
Hashtype: Lotus Notes/Domino 8
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 1934.4 kH/s
Hashtype: PeopleSoft
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 25445.7 MH/s
Hashtype: PeopleSoft PS_TOKEN
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 9339.2 MH/s
Hashtype: 7-Zip
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 28257 H/s
Hashtype: WinZip
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 3216.6 kH/s
Hashtype: RAR3-hp
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 99770 H/s
Hashtype: RAR5
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 108.3 kH/s
Hashtype: AxCrypt
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 349.8 kH/s
Hashtype: AxCrypt in memory SHA1
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 23241.1 MH/s
Hashtype: TrueCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 + XTS 512 bit
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 793.9 kH/s
Hashtype: TrueCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512 + XTS 512 bit
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 1120.8 kH/s
Hashtype: TrueCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-Whirlpool + XTS 512 bit
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 109.7 kH/s
Hashtype: TrueCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 + XTS 512 bit + boot-mode
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 1480.7 kH/s
Hashtype: VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 + XTS 512 bit
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 2476 H/s
Hashtype: VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512 + XTS 512 bit
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 2569 H/s
Hashtype: VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-Whirlpool + XTS 512 bit
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 124 H/s
Hashtype: VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 + XTS 512 bit + boot-mode
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 5063 H/s
Hashtype: VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 + XTS 512 bit
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 3342 H/s
Hashtype: VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 + XTS 512 bit + boot-mod
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 8433 H/s
Hashtype: Android FDE <= 4.3
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 2366.6 kH/s
Hashtype: Android FDE (Samsung DEK)
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 863.1 kH/s
Hashtype: eCryptfs
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 39401 H/s
Hashtype: MS Office <= 2003 MD5 + RC4, oldoffice$0, oldoffice$1
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 685.3 MH/s
Hashtype: MS Office <= 2003 MD5 + RC4, collision-mode #1
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 980.4 MH/s
Hashtype: MS Office <= 2003 SHA1 + RC4, oldoffice$3, oldoffice$4
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 890.8 MH/s
Hashtype: MS Office <= 2003 SHA1 + RC4, collision-mode #1
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 1000.7 MH/s
Hashtype: Office 2007
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 386.2 kH/s
Hashtype: Office 2010
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 192.9 kH/s
Hashtype: Office 2013
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 25923 H/s
Hashtype: PDF 1.1 - 1.3 (Acrobat 2 - 4)
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 1013.4 MH/s
Hashtype: PDF 1.1 - 1.3 (Acrobat 2 - 4) + collider-mode #1
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 1128.2 MH/s
Hashtype: PDF 1.4 - 1.6 (Acrobat 5 - 8)
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 50091.0 kH/s
Hashtype: PDF 1.7 Level 3 (Acrobat 9)
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 9227.4 MH/s
Hashtype: PDF 1.7 Level 8 (Acrobat 10 - 11)
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 96326 H/s
Hashtype: Password Safe v2
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 979.7 kH/s
Hashtype: Password Safe v3
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 3613.3 kH/s
Hashtype: Lastpass
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 6804.1 kH/s
Hashtype: 1Password, agilekeychain
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 9649.3 kH/s
Hashtype: 1Password, cloudkeychain
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 32199 H/s
Hashtype: Bitcoin/Litecoin wallet.dat
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 12914 H/s
Hashtype: Blockchain, My Wallet
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 187.0 MH/s
Hashtype: Keepass 1 (AES/Twofish) and Keepass 2 (AES)
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 416.5 kH/s
Hashtype: ArubaOS
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 20293.3 MH/s